Rabe Consulting

Striving for a sustainable community through educational, economic and environmental improvement

Sycan River Restoration

Sycan River Restoration

Rabe Consulting participated onin the design team of the Sycan River restoration project, which identified the need for restoring natural channel forms by decommissioning constructed channels and renaturalizing historic channels. Constructed channels will be filled with native material and historic channels will be enhanced through minor improvements and modifications.

Railroad Grade at Sycan Marsh The Sycan Marsh’s long history of cattle ranching and irrigation has created a mosaic of hydrologic barriers throughout the marsh, including a north-south railroad grade that is no longer in use. The restoration involves restoring the length of the railroad grade to the original marsh floor. This will also be done with various spreader bars throughout the marsh.
DeCosta Ditch

After construction, Rabe Consulting will monitor the success of the restoration project for five years. Photomonitoring and vegetation plots throughout the marsh will be monitored during the growing season to ensure the goals of the project are being reached.