Hawkins Ranch Streambank Restoration

Rabe Consulting provides assistance with restoration projects by working with landowners through a service- and solution- oriented process to meet objectives efficiently, to secure project funding, and to comply with regulations. This streambank restoration project was conducted along the Wood River near Fort Klamath, Oregon. This picture was taken before the project; the eroding streambank is evident.
This photo was taken during construction. The project was implemented according to engineering design specifications prepared by Schlumpberger Engineering. The first step in the restoration process was to move the levee back, which was restricting the natural meander of the river. This allowed for the creation of a small floodplain.
This photo was taken immediately after construction. The streambank was stabilized with sod mats, log veins and transplanted willows. Log veins provide fish habitat and move current away from the bank, minimizing erosion. Sod mats were also placed on the small floodplain to stabilize the bank further.
This photo was taken one year after the restoration. As is evidenced by the photo, the project was a complete success. The streambank and floodplain revegetated rapidly. It is important to note that all project activities were conducted in accordance with wetland and endangered species regulations.